A Woman of Proverbs 31

One woman's, one year, journey to becoming A Woman of Proverbs 31: a woman of nobel character

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Giving Back

prov3120The Christmas holiday season is in full force! Gifts are being bought, plans are being made, cookies are being baked. It is also a time of year a lot of people look at giving back to their community or projects that are important to them. The Woman of Proverbs 31 also took care of those around her.

Proverbs 31:20 says, “She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.”

This is why this month we are going to look at ways we can help those who have less than us. There is more than one way  to give back: monetarily, time-wise, and more. We will look at some ways we can bless others, both through the holidays and through the year.

If you have any ideas on how we can help others please comment on this post and we will do what we can to get it posted out! These ideas could be ones you have done before, ones you would like to do, or even ones you have just thought up right now. I know we would all be blessed to hear of more ways to make a difference in someone’s world!