A Woman of Proverbs 31

One woman's, one year, journey to becoming A Woman of Proverbs 31: a woman of nobel character

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598521_594268240588184_1580579199_nI AM… Two of the most powerful words in existence, when placed together. These two words have the power to mould a life. These words have the power to change a life.

It is early in life when we start using these two words together, when we played with our friends and toys; I am Superman. I am a nurse. I am a firefighter. I am the mom. I am a dinosaur, Roar! I am a hummingbird! As we identified with these two words our actions, our words, our whole being (at that moment in time) changed, and we truly believed we were what we said we were. Growing up does not negate the power of these words. The difference is that now we are able to understand the power of them and that we can learn how to harness them, to our advantage.

In Exodus 3:14 these words are proven to be the most powerful words in all of language, and throughout time. Moses was asked, by God, to challenge Pharaoh to let his people go. Moses did not know what to tell Pharaoh. This is what the Bible says happened, “14 And God said unto Moses, “I Am That I Am: “and he said, “Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.” (KJV) Here God states that he is “I AM”. The only way to explain to Moses of who God is, is that he just Is. God identifies himself with the words I AM. He is the only one who encompasses all that these two words can represent; He is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. He is the only being who does not have a creation date; he just Is.

We are not God, but we can learn to use the power of these two words to identify who we are and who we want to be. I recently went through this activity and it has helped me reframe my life, and in-turn my future. You too can use these two words to your advantage, and work your way towards the life you choose, the life you deserve!

The Challenge: Here is what you need to do right now, to start the transformation of your life into what it is meant to be… Go get a piece of paper, or a poster board. Go do it. Walk away from this blog for two minutes and go get paper or poster board. On your way back to the computer grab a writing utensil (pencil, pen, black marker, crayons, felts, what ever allows you to really get into this activity). Now, start writing “I am” sentences that define the best of who you are now, and all that you want to be. Make sure each statement is true, statements that define who you know you can be, deep down inside. When you are finished writing it our post this list of statements in a place where you will read them every day. Then, read them, out loud, every day, once in the morning and once before going to bed. These powerful statements will become a piece of your subconscious mind, and in time will become reality for you.

Get creative. Get deep. Get down to the core of who you know you are inside, then claim these statements into your life as truth. As you start to believe these statements they will become reality! Do not take this exercise lightly. It can change your life, for the positive or the negative (if you take it too lightly).

Here are a few examples: I am strong. I am confident. I am a dad who is present. I am an expert in my field. I am awesome!

Go show the world who [YOU ARE]!